The Net Zero Game 2050™

What is it?

The Net Zero Game 2050™ is an event-driven business strategy, sustainability and negotiation board game based on stakeholder capitalism (a how-to-play video is here).

The objective for each business leader (gamer) is to create a portfolio of net zero greenhouse gas emission companies considering value chains, synergies, selling and buying companies, reacting to carbon event news and deploying green executives.


The Net Zero Game 2050™ provides a versatile and impactful tool for education and training. It can be adjusted and used to achieve different objectives for different types of users.

The Net Zero Game 2050™ provides:

Sticky learning

What you hear, you often forget. But when you play, you learn and remember.

Fast implementation

It only takes 30–90 minutes to play a full game (depending on game mode). An onboarding video explains the rules of the game.

Low engagement cost

The cost per game and per gamer is very competitive compared with alternative learning methods.


The race towards carbon neutrality in 2050 has begun and the societal change needed is enormous! Business is a strong lever for change with a low response time, and games provide a strong platform for both enlightenment and entertainment.

Our ambition is to gamify sustainable business, its mechanisms and dynamics, and its risk and returns in order to transform complex issues into an understandable and engaging format.

The green transition is not a zero-sum game, it’s a net zero game!


Who is it for?

The Net Zero Game 2050™ provides an exciting gamification and demystification of the green transition towards a carbon-neutral economy based on real business mechanisms and actual events.

The Game can be used by different types of impact creators:


The Net Zero Game 2050™ can be used by educators as a supplement to textbooks, to illustrate many relevant concepts from science, technology, geography, social science and business. It also demonstrates the importance of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) for the progress, value creation and future well-being of our planet.


Corporations can use The Net Zero Game 2050™ for training, team building and on-boarding of new employees. The Game can be used to illustrate new company-led Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, and regulatory and political initiatives and their impact. It can also be used to make the content of annual reports and sustainability reporting more vivid and memorable.

Other Organisations

Not-for-profit organisations such as NGOs, industry associations and clusters, political parties, cities and municipalities may use The Net Zero Game 2050™ to illustrate and communicate complex issues that are often hidden in lengthy reports aimed at a relative narrow group of readers. In addition, it builds business literacy within a non-business oriented segment.


While creating and developing The Net Zero Game 2050™, we have been inspired by a long and constantly growing list of articles, books, reports, scientific papers and other sources on business, economics, management, finance, sustainability and (tabletop) games.

A few of these are listed here in no particular order (it’s not a Top 10):              

European Commission: European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

Andreessen Horowitz: The Digital Future of Tabletop Games

Klaus Schwab: What is Stakeholder Capitalism

Lars Tvede: Supertrends: 50 Things You Need to Know About The Future

Sustainia: 1.5°C Business Leadership

Kristoffer S. Fjællingsdal et al: Green Across the Board: Board Games as Tools for Dialogue and Simplified Environmental Communication

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta et al: The Economics of Biodiversity – the Dasgupta Review

Zero HP Lovecraft (NB: fiction): The Green New Deal

Michael Liebreich, BloombergNEF: Climate and Finance – Lessons from a Time Machine

Our story

A few years ago, we realised that there are many board games related to business and many board games related to environmental issues – but none combining the two worlds and ways of thinking. Further, most of the available games are either unrealistic or just simply boring.

In a modern world requiring lifelong learning (defined as the ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons), this is a problem.

“The reason most kids don’t like school is not that the work is too hard, but that it is utterly boring.” – Dr Seymour Papert (1928–2016), Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

From that insight, the idea of creating a gamification of the transformation towards a carbon-neutral economy was born. The game-play and the game mechanics were sketched up and then successfully tested at a large fair in Germany on a wide range of board-gamers – and The Net Zero Game 2050™ universe was born!

At the same time – in parallel – the societal readiness for a new type of capitalism had grown with major corporate players in business and finance taking the lead, often with much more ambitious carbon-reduction targets than required by governments.

An expanding universe

Our universe of seriously fun gaming experiences is constantly expanding in both the vertical and horizontal direction.

We are working on making the universe available on relevant digital platforms.

Our skills

Our management

Net Zero Game ApS is a limited company incorporated in Denmark.

In close cooperation with a growing team of experienced (and increasingly concerned) business professionals and consultants, the CEO of Net Zero Game ApS, Soren Jensen, has created the constantly expanding and evolving universe of The Net Zero Game 2050™.

The versatile collective skills and professional experiences of the persons involved in the creation of The Net Zero Game 2050™ can be summed up as follows:

Professional skills

Business Strategy (100%)
Risk Management (100%)
Physical Product Development (95%)
Corporate Finance / M&A (90%)
Innovation (90%)
Digital Product Development (85%)
Sustainability (70%)

Domain knowledge

Building & Construction (80%)
Aerospace (75%)
Logistics and Transport Systems (70%)
Food & Feedstock (60%)
Energy (60%)
Electronics (50%)

© 2020-2025 Net Zero Game ApS. All rights reserved.