The missing link in game based education
A few years ago, we realised that there are many board games related to business and many board games related to environmental issues – but none combining the two worlds and ways of thinking. Further, most of the available games are either unrealistic or just simply boring.
In a modern world requiring lifelong learning (defined as the ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons), this is a problem.
“The reason most kids don’t like school is not that the work is too hard, but that it is utterly boring.” – Dr Seymour Papert (1928–2016), Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
From that insight, the idea of creating a gamification of the transformation towards a carbon-neutral economy was born. The game-play and the game mechanics were sketched up and then successfully tested at a large fair in Germany on a wide range of board-gamers – and The Net Zero Game 2050™ universe was born!
At the same time – in parallel – the societal readiness for a new type of capitalism had grown with major corporate players in business and finance taking the lead, often with much more ambitious carbon-reduction targets than required by governments.
An expanding universe
Our universe of seriously fun gaming experiences is constantly expanding in both the vertical and horizontal direction.

We are working on making the universe available on relevant digital platforms.