Besides our online shop, a growing number of shops are selling The Net Zero Game 2050™ – Compact Edition.
Here is a list of the local dealers per country.

Under Bogen, Gentofte, Denmark.
Gentoftegade 66
2820 Gentofte

Love Story of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Kastanienallee 88
10435 Berlin

T3 Terminal Entertainment, Frankfurt, Germany.


Order by email
Send an email to sales @ netzerogame. com with your personal or company information (if your company is buying, we need your company registration number to offer VAT-free sales within the European Union), delivery address, and a phone number and we will send you an invoice with our bank information, so you can transfer the money. Our bank is:
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S
Reg./account number: 2252- 8974377846
IBAN no.: DK4220008974377846
Not seeing your favourite shop?
Please send and email to play @ netzerogame. com and will will see if we can make our game available for a less carbon-intensive distribution method!