Normative sources
We use Carbon Events to push The Net Zero Game 2050™ game play forward.
The Carbon Events are based on trustworthy and normative sources (see the complete list here). Using our Carbon Event creation methodology, we have transformed the data and information from those sources into playable Carbon Events.
Using our special calibration algorithm, all values have been adjusted and adapted for the format of the game.

Our responsibility
In some cases, several sources describing different trends and phenomena have been combined into one single Carbon Event.
The formulation, interpretation, and qualitative and quantitative impacts of a certain Carbon Event are the sole responsibility of us, the publisher (Net Zero Game ApS), with full editorial freedom.
All selection and interpretation has been done in adherence with our editorial policies in place at the time of publishing.
We reserve the right to change the mix of Carbon Events for any given version of the The Net Zero Game 2050™ without any prior notice.